(303) 501-7121

What Process Servers are NEVER Allowed to Do

As process servers, we play a pivotal role in the legal system, ensuring that parties involved in a case receive the necessary documents in a timely and lawful manner. At Accurate Serve of Denver, we pride ourselves on meeting and exceeding the standards set out for process servers in Colorado. But what is equally important to the services we offer, are the things that we are never allowed to do as process servers. Let’s explore some of these restrictions:

Process Servers May NOT Serve Process Without Meeting the Basic State Requirements

To serve process in Colorado, one must be at least 18 years old and must not be a party to the case being served. These are basic requirements set forth by the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, and any service performed without meeting these criteria is invalid and illegal. Continue reading

Why You Should Use a Process Server vs the Local Sheriff

When it comes to serving legal documents, such as summonses, subpoenas, and complaints, many people are familiar with the option of using the local sheriff’s office. However, an increasingly popular and more efficient alternative is hiring a professional process server. In this post, we will explore the advantages of using a process server over the local sheriff and why Accurate Serve of Denver is your go-to agency for all your process serving needs.

Expertise and Specialization

Process servers are dedicated professionals who specialize in serving legal documents. They possess in-depth knowledge and understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding the process serving industry. Unlike the local sheriff’s office, where serving legal documents is just one of their many duties, a process server’s sole focus is to deliver your documents promptly and accurately. By choosing a professional process server like Accurate Serve of Denver, you can benefit from their expertise and ensure that your documents are served efficiently and in compliance with all legal requirements. Continue reading

What is the Legal Service Of Process?

In the realm of law, the concept of due process is of utmost importance. The United States Constitution ensures that defendants have proper notice of court proceedings before exercising personal jurisdiction over them. This requirement is met through a legal procedure known as service of process. In this post, we will explore the definition and significance of service of process, particularly as it applies to Colorado. Additionally, we will refer to Rule 4 – Process of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedures to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Defining Service of Process

Service of process refers to the act of delivering a court summons and a copy of the plaintiff’s complaint to defendants involved in a lawsuit. These documents, collectively known as process, must be given directly to the defendant or left with a suitable person at their home or place of business. It is crucial to note that merely mailing the process is typically insufficient to meet the due process requirements. Continue reading

How Can I Tell if a Process Server is Legitimate?

If you’re involved in a legal case, you may need to hire a process server to deliver legal documents to the parties involved. However, not all process servers are legitimate, and it’s important to do your due diligence before hiring one. In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips on how to tell if a process server is legitimate.

Check for Training

In Colorado, process servers do not have to be certified or licensed. However, any good process server will have completed some sort of training or a possible internship under an experienced process server. Ask for documentation of any training they may have. Continue reading

Ways to Spot a Fake Process Server

We know how important it is to hire a legitimate and trustworthy process server. Not doing so can completely derail your legal case, causing serious delays or even dismissal. Unfortunately, there are individuals and companies out there who falsely claim to be process servers to scam unsuspecting victims out of their cash. To help you avoid these situations, we’ve put together a list of ways to spot a fake process server.

 Check Their Identification

A legitimate process server should have proper identification, including a badge and a photo ID from the company they represent. They should also be able to provide you with their contact information and the contact info of the company they work for. When you choose Accurate Serve® of Denver to handle your case’s process, our servers will always wear proper identification and have no problem providing complete information about who they are and who they represent. We believe in full transparency in the service of process industry to keep the legal system as fair as possible. Continue reading

Is it Legal to Serve Paper Through Social Media?

At Accurate Serve of Denver, we are often asked whether it is legal to serve legal documents via social media. While the use of social media for the serving process is a relatively new development, there is no doubt that it has become increasingly popular in recent years. In this post, we will discuss whether it is legal to serve process via social media in Colorado.

You’ve Been Served Electronically…Maybe

Can you legally serve a defendant or witness for a Colorado court case via social media, like Facebook or LinkedIn? The answer is…it depends. Continue reading

Where Can Defendants be Served?

If someone has filed a civil lawsuit against you, you may be wondering exactly where the process server might show up. Defendants often have misconceptions about where they can and cannot be served, like believing that they can’t be served at work or in public. Unfortunately for them, these beliefs just aren’t true.

No Safe Zones

The truth is that a process server can serve a defendant with process documents pretty much anywhere as long as they do not break any laws in doing so. This means a defendant can be served at their own home, at their place of employment, or anywhere in public.  Continue reading

Ways to Spot a Scam Process Server

Your civil complaint is filed and the Denver County Clerk of Court has issued you a summons, so now it’s time to serve the defendants and witnesses in your case. You have a couple of options in Colorado when it comes to the serving process – law enforcement or a private individual. If you opt for law enforcement, then you’ll want to contact the sheriff’s department in the county where the process is to be served. If you’d rather just use a private individual, Colorado’s laws are actually pretty lenient on who that can be. As long as the person is 18 years old or older and is not a party to the case, they can serve the process for the case. However, there are always advantages to using a professional process service agency versus just asking a friend.

One of those advantages is that you won’t have to worry about being scammed for your cash and left with unserved paperwork, case delays, and possibly even case dismissal. Just like so many industries, scammers have proliferated in the process service field in states like Colorado, where the laws are so lax on who can serve process. Fraudsters take advantage of this lack of regulation and con unsuspecting plaintiffs (and sometimes even attorneys) out of their hard-earned cash by committing to serving the process, only to run off once payment is made without actually delivering anything. 

So how do these process service scams in Colorado work? Continue reading

Top Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Process Server

Do you need to hire a process server in Colorado? Colorado doesn’t have any certification or licensure requirements for process servers. As long as the server is 18 or older and not directly involved in the case, they’re good to go. But just because the state is lax on who can serve process doesn’t mean you should let just anyone handle your process! Delivering court documents is an important part of any legal case, and you want to be sure that yours are delivered to the right person and on time. That’s why you should always opt for the services of a professional process service company for this vital task.

When searching for a process server, be sure to ask the following questions so you are informed and sure that you’re going with the best possible candidate: Continue reading

How to Track Down a Missing Person that Needs to be Served

If you’re trying to serve process to someone in Colorado that doesn’t want to be found, you’re in luck! The professional process servers at Accurate Serve® in Denver are trained to hunt down even the most evasive individuals. We can even do skip traces or diligent searches to find process recipients. But how do we do it? 

Our clients typically provide some very basic information about the defendants and witnesses they need to serve. If the client happens to know the defendant or witnesses well, then they usually give enough information for us to find the intended recipient with ease. However, there are times when things aren’t so easy. In this post, we’ll go over some of our top tips for locating defendants and witnesses for service of process. Continue reading