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How to Obtain the Address of Someone Who Needs to be Served

When it comes to legal matters, serving papers to the right individual at the correct address is a crucial step in the process. In Denver, finding someone’s address for service can sometimes be challenging. Not knowing a person’s current address when you need to serve them court paperwork can cause serious delays to your case. In this post, we’ll give you our best tips for how to locate the address of someone who needs to be served in Colorado.

Do Your Own Research

The first step in locating someone’s address is to conduct your own research. Call around to mutual acquaintances or friends, Google their name, or try to find them on social media. You may be surprised how much information is available with minimal effort. Continue reading

10 Things You Need to Know When You’re Served Process in Colorado

If you’ve been served process for the very first time, you’re probably a little confused. Being served can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you weren’t aware of any legal issues. But no worries, Accurate Serve of Denver is here to help you understand service of process so you’re not flying blind as your court date approaches. In this post, we’ll go over 10 things you need to know if you’ve been served process in Colorado.

Understand What Being Served Means

If you have been served process, it usually means that someone (a person or entity) has filed a legal case against you. Sometimes being served means your presence is being requested in court or that you are being asked to provide some sort of evidence for a court case in which you are not a named litigant. Occasionally, someone being served is not being requested to appear in court, but is instead asked to do some other action. Inspect the paperwork received during the service carefully to find out exactly why you’re being served. Continue reading

Service of Process: Important Things You Need to Know

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about process servers, so we think it’s time to clear the air. Process serving is a serious job that is essential for the healthy functioning of the legal system. This isn’t Hollywood, and you’ll never find our servers sneaking around in costume, waiting to ambush an unsuspecting person just trying to make it to work. Instead, we operate under the strictest legal and ethical guidelines to ensure every document we handle makes it where it needs to be and is legally valid. In this post, we’ll go over what you need to know about process serving here in the Centennial State. Continue reading

Guide on Keeping Client Confidentiality & Privacy in Process Serving

In the field of process serving, the significance of maintaining client confidentiality and privacy cannot be overstated. At Accurate Serve of Denver, Colorado, we understand the criticality of this aspect in our daily operations. We’re committed to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of our clients while providing process service, document retrieval, skip tracing, and diligent searches across the entire state of Colorado. In this post, we’ll talk about why and how we protect privacy and uphold confidentiality for not just our clients, but everyone we come into contact with in the course of the job. Continue reading

Guide to Process Serving

Process serving is an essential role in the legal system, playing a part in upholding due process and ensuring the smooth flow of legal proceedings. In Denver, Colorado, Accurate Serve is a leader in providing top-notch process service and other legal support services. This post will delve into the key aspects of process serving, offering valuable insights into this important job.

What is Process Serving?

In the realm of law, process serving is the act of delivering legal documents known as process—including summons, complaints, subpoenas, and writs—to individuals or entities involved in legal cases. This step is fundamental in the legal process, ensuring that all parties are properly informed of the legal actions being taken against them and have the opportunity to respond accordingly. Continue reading

Protocols on Serving Process During the Holidays

Every year around the holidays we get the same question at least a few times: Can process be served on Christmas or New Year’s Day? The answer is that it depends on where you are. While some states have strict regulations on days that process may not be served, Colorado is not one of them.

Colorado Does Not Limit When Process May Be Served

Contrary to popular belief, Colorado law does not prohibit the service of process on holidays. This detail is often overlooked, leading to a common misconception that legal documents cannot be served during these periods. While it’s true that some states have specific laws regarding process service on holidays and Sundays – with Minnesota being the only state in the U.S. explicitly prohibiting service on holidays – Colorado does not fall under this category. Continue reading

A Day in the Life of a Process Server

The role of a process server, though critical to the legal system, often remains shrouded in mystery. At Accurate Serve® of Denver, Colorado, our team of dedicated process servers plays a pivotal role in ensuring citizen’s rights and the smooth functioning of Colorado’s legal machinery. This post aims to demystify the daily life of a process server, shedding light on what they do and their vital contributions to the legal system.

The Start of the Day: Preparation and Planning

A typical day for a process server at Accurate Serve® begins with meticulous planning. This involves reviewing the day’s assignments, which include a variety of legal documents such as summonses, complaints, and subpoenas that need to be served to individuals involved in legal proceedings. Continue reading

A Step-by-Step Guide to Subpoenaing Out of State Witnesses

Navigating the legal landscape can be complex, especially when it comes to subpoenaing out-of-state witnesses for a court proceeding. Accurate Serve® in Denver, Colorado, is here to guide you through this intricate process. We offer a range of services, including process service, document retrieval, skip tracing, and diligent searches, to clients across the state of Colorado.

Understanding the UIDDA

The Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) provides a framework for subpoenaing out-of-state witnesses. This act has been adopted by many states, including Colorado, and serves as a guideline for how to properly issue a subpoena across state lines. Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand that the subpoena power of any particular state court typically ends at that state’s border. Therefore, special procedures must be followed to subpoena a witness residing in another state. Continue reading

Consequences Of Poor Documentation In Process Serving

Lawyer discussing legal case with client

From the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Accurate Serve has been dedicated to offering unparalleled process service solutions to Denver and its surrounding regions. Today, we’re turning our focus to a topic that underscores the very essence of our profession: the consequences of poor documentation in process serving.

Legal Proceedings Can Be Nullified

The primary objective of process serving is to legally notify individuals or entities of their involvement in a lawsuit. Without accurate documentation, there’s no verifiable proof of this notification. This lack of evidence can lead to the dismissal or delay of legal proceedings, rendering all prior efforts futile. Continue reading

How a Process Server Can Help You

Are you dealing with legal matters that require timely and accurate delivery of important documents? Whether you’re involved in a court case, a legal dispute, or need to serve legal notices, enlisting the services of a professional process server can make a significant difference in ensuring the proper handling of your legal documents. At Accurate Serve, your trusted process service agency in Denver, Colorado, we specialize in providing a range of essential services that can streamline your legal proceedings and give you peace of mind. Continue reading

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