Denver (303) 501-7121


How Many Days are Given to a Process Server to Serve Case Documents in Denver?

When serving process in the state of Colorado, process servers have a specific number of days to complete their service. This article will explore what that timeframe is, as well as some possible consequences for not completing service within that time limit. What is Service of Process? Service of process is the process of providing a defendant with notice of a pending legal action against them. This allows the defendant an opportunity to defend themselves in court. In order for

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What is a Process Server?

Definition of a Process Server A process server hand delivers (most of the time) court case paperwork to the parties named in the case. While this job may sound a little underwhelming, it actually plays a very important role in the American legal system and upholds the constitutional rights of court litigants every single day. Due Process Did you know that part of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution refers to the need for process servers? It’s known as

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Important Rules Process Servers Must Follow

In Colorado, there is no certification or licensing program for private process servers. Instead, the courts rely on honesty amongst servers, attorneys, and litigants to ensure that the case process is served and received as intended. Even though there is not an official process server designation in the state, there are still rules that anyone serving process in Colorado must follow. At a minimum, process servers are expected to:

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April Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder We have great news in the process serving world in regards to service of process originating from the great state of Michigan.  The Governor signed Senate Bill 244 into law on March 23, 2022.  The law will go into effect 180 days from that date, so September 20, 2022. What does the Bill say and what changes will take place? The main change in this Bill is the change of the current requirement of needing Affidavits of Service to

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Legal Steps that Occur After You File a Civil Complaint

When you file a civil complaint against an individual or business, there are several wheels that begin turning behind the scenes. The exact processes will depend on the specifics of your case, but in general, all cases go through a predetermined series of steps, depending on the monetary amount involved: Amount of Claim Where to File Up to $7,500 County Small Claims $7,500 to $25,000 County Civil $25,000 or more District Civil

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February Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder Fore!! One of the 2 official Accurate Serve® golf teams were in full swing last week. We had the privilege to play in the 7th Annual Lakeland Bar Association Golf Tournament.  The AS team consisted of Beau Charlet (me), Ty Hurner, Derek Keating and Cameron Cole. The AS team was 1 of 12 teams that competed that day.  We were proud to shoot a 67, 5 under par.  This was a best ball tournament so I contributed more in the laughter department

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The Types of Documents Process Servers Serve

Process servers play the vital role of ensuring that all parties in a legal case are properly and promptly notified of when and where their upcoming court case will be heard. This gives defendants plenty of time to prepare for the case or find legal representation. Witnesses may want to role-play answering questions so they are not so nervous on the stand. Process servers provide this notification to case parties by serving them process, or the documents related to the

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January Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder This is Us People do business with people they Know, Like and Trust. This is a popular phrase in business groups, networking circles and amongst entrepreneurs. This is also a common phrase I use in the AS chat forum and on our monthly conference calls. Now, I would like to use it for this article in our Newsletter, so let’s take a look. Get to Know Us (if you don’t already) Accurate Serve® was founded in 2009 in Lakeland, FL by Beau Charlet

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What Does Service of Process Mean?

Have you heard of the phrase, “service of process”, but are unsure of what it means? Well, you are not alone! Many people don’t understand this legal term the first time that they hear it. In this post, we’ll clarify what service of process actually is to clear up the confusion. What is process? According to Cornell Law School, process is “a writ, warrant, mandate, or other process issuing from a court of justice. The term includes subpoenas, citations, and

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December Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2021 is coming to a close but before it does we all benefit from the winter holidays and extra time off to spend with loved ones. If you stay local, enjoy your time in your home with family, friends and loved ones. If you are traveling this month, please be safe and return back rejuvenated and refreshed. Everyone has their traditions and favorite things to do during the holidays. I

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